2015 In Review: 7 Tech Truth Bombs

Also, space! and a holiday greeting! Have a safe and happy New Year! Photo via SpaceX.

As 2015 comes to a close, I thought it would be fun to share a few of our big take-aways. Can you handle the truth?

Well, okay, then.

Without further ado, here are 7 truth bombs about the tech industry in 2015.

  1. Remote work is the new killer perk. As a 100% remote company ourselves, we’ll be writing a lot more about this. Stay tuned or sign up for our mailing list for updates.

  2. Container technology wasn’t ready for its close-up. Maybe next year?

  3. Bitcoin is dying a slow death, while lesser known cryptographically-secured payment networks quietly revolutionize finance.

  4. Facebook is trying to create a proprietary version of the Web. Mozilla, Google, and (in a curious twist) Microsoft are trying to head them off at the pass, defining and implementing new standards faster than developers can keep up, while Apple is conflicted. Last time this happened, it was Microsoft versus Apple, Netscape (which later became AOL) Oracle, IBM, Sun —well, pretty much everyone else.

  5. JavaScript, the world’s most important programming language, became middle-aged. It got married, got a real job, and a mortgage. It even made plans for children down the road.

  6. Self-driving cars are a thing, yet another piece of the coming robot apocalypse falling into place. Google also open-sourced their AI library, TensorFlow. It’s okay, though. We can just keep the real AI in a box. Right? Right? I mean, is it just me, or are we all being a little ho-hum about this? Self-driving cars, people!

  7. Law enforcement agencies continue to talk like characters straight out of Lewis Carroll, insisting that the key to being more secure is to be less secure. This turns out to be more than a philosophical argument.

And, of course, the new space race continues to heat up. That’s not a truth bomb, but it’s awesome. Happy New Year, everybody!